A bluebird couple have taken up residence in one of our back yard bird houses. We think their eggs have hatched because we found remnants of blue egg shells near their nest. Also, the male and female were bringing insects to the bird house. I've read that blue birds can lay up to three clutches of eggs in a season. We're still waiting for our tree swallows to start nesting in another box we put up. The bluebirds and tree swallows have been fighting for territory over the past month and we're hoping now that the bluebirds have babies to take care of, the tree swallows can start nesting. One good sign, I noticed the female tree swallow checking out the other bird house this afternoon. Stay tuned! |
What a sweet picture! Can't wait to see the babies!
Hopefully I can get pictures of the bluebird babies. The bluebirds aren't as approachable as the tree swallows.
I'm with Jane~this is a sweet picture. She's so pretty! Hope you can get pics of the babies.
I never see pretty birds around my house and we leave in the middle of a wooded area. Bluebirds are really pretty!! Look forward to family shots :)
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