Monday, July 26, 2010


“Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always
beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight

upon you.” ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne


Jane said...

Great shots! Is it just me, or are there more butterflies this year? Seems like it. Love the Hawthorne quote!

Kay R. said...

Jane's right! Great shots!! Way to go. Beautiful. I saw a pretty butterfly in the front yard today, but all I had with me was my cell camera and the butterfly wouldn't be still long enough for me to take its picture. It fluttered away somewhere. I do see more butterflies lately. Saw them on the road home from Florida. They'd fly in front of the car. Love that quote.

Ann S. said...

Our garden has been full of them this summer :) I chased one around for about 30 minutes today. Finally had to come inside because it was so hot. Got some great shots though!

Kelly said...

WOW!!! Pretty!!!!