Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Flowers

Our rose bush always gets it's second wind
in late summer and early fall.

We decided a few weeks ago to try and grow some
sunflowers in our planters since we didn't get to plant
any at the beginning of the growing season. We found
some seeds and planted three or four. This one is the
biggest of the ones we planted, but I fear they're not
long for this world with a possible freeze in the forecast.

Our Jackamanii Clematis are pretty hardy as well. I hate to see
them go. Wish we could skip winter and go directly to spring!

Our Zinnias are showing some wear and tear, but are still pretty.
They can tolerate some frost, but not a freeze.


Kay R. said...

I hope your pretty flowers make it! Especially the sunflowers! I'll have to cover my potted plants. They're too heavy to drag up under the porch.

Jane said...

Can't believe there's a sunflower growing! Pretty flowers. Hope they survive a frost.

Kelly said...

Loving the purple flower!!!

Ann S. said...

Well our flowers made it through the night last night. Not so sure about tonight because we're under another frost warning.