These baby wrens kept their momma and daddy very busy.
The second she would leave, they would start becoming very
vocal :) It was fun watching this little one poking his head out
of the bird box. I was afraid he might fall out.
Mama Wren would fly to the field next to our house, then come
back with more food. This time she had some sort of grub worm.
As you can see, the impatient baby wren was ecstatic that mom
was back with more grub :)
The baby quickly gobbles down the grub.
Mama takes a short break,
Then flies back to the field for more food for her hungry brood.
The day after I took these pictures, the two babies left the nest.
Wherever they are I hope they're safe!
Yesterday, I noticed Mr. and Mrs. Wren flying in and out of the
bird box. They would pull stuff out, then take in more nesting
materials. Hopefully they are getting ready to raise another family.
I hope so!
Sweet pictures! Are you using your long lens for these? That one little baby is demanding. Feed me, momma, feed me NOW!! :)
Yes, I used my long lens for these photos. Whenever I would hear mama chirping I would start snapping as fast as I could go :) It wore us out watching the two wrens feed those little babies. They're awesome little birds!
I love these pictures! That baby wants his food! I hope the babies are safe. It'll be interesting to see if those wrens have more babies.
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