The Cordell Hull Bridge spans the Cumberland River in
Smith County, Tennessee. Construction of the bridge began
on December 4, 1934. The bridge has an overall length of
1,412 feet.
In December of 2007 it was determined that the bridge
was not safe for traffic and was closed. It remains closed
today until funds can be found for repairs.
This photo was taken from the bridge looking toward South
Carthage in Smith County.
The banks of the Cumberland River
This photo was taken from the opposite side of the bridge.
I'll have more photos from the bridge tomorrow.
It's sad that the bridge is closed. You'd think Algore would step in since Carthage is his "home town"! :-)
It is sad. You'd think Obummer could send some stimulus money our way to repair the bridge!
i like that bridge--remember crossing it severals times over the years--neil hates bridges. they freak him out for some reason. Yeah, you'd think big al would step in with some of his big influence and get something done about it.
The only time Al cares about Carthage is when he's running for office.
Bridges freak me out too! Especially ghost bridges that we're not aloud to cross... eek! Wonder how many other bridges are unsafe. I'll just drive really fast over it so I can do a "Speed" bus leap to the other side!
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