Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bullet's Excellent Adventure

With the lower humidity and nice breeze, I decided to take Bullet out for a stroll around the back yard this afternoon. Here he is chilling under our Tulip Poplar sporting his new harness and leash. Who says you can't walk a cat? :0) Actually he is pretty good at it. He wasn't at first. Whenever I would put the harness on him, he would flop down on the ground. Now when he sees me getting it out, he comes running.
Now that's a real scratching post.
Listening to the hot bugs in the trees.
I couldn't resist making this little Willow crown for him. He seemed to enjoy wearing it.


Kay R. said...

LOVE these pics!! I'm so happy for Bullet that he gets to spend time outside. I can't believe he's wearing that willow crown! :) Looking good, Bullet. That makes me think of the willow wreaths we used to make at Morningside.

Ann S. said...

I miss making willow crowns at the Side :( Brought back good memories.

Jane said...

Great pictures! Never thought one could "walk" a cat, but I guess it can be done! I'm glad he enjoys being in the great outdoors. This was a perfect day for it, too. Miss the willow wreaths at the Side, too. :(