I thought these little winged creatures were moths. After
some internet research I found out that these are actully
called Skippers.
Although Skippers appear to be moths, they are actually a
third group that is related to both butterflies and moths.
Skippers, like moths and butterflies, are found worldwide.
Skippers share characteristics with both moths and butterflies
and sometimes have the appearance of being a cross between
the two. There are, however, groups of characteristics that
allow observers to confidently identify skippers.
Skippers can be the most difficult butterfly species to identify;
their markings are maddeningly similar.
Notice the curly tongue. Too cool!
love these pics! the colors are so vivid. i never knew that's what these insects were called although i've seen them around here often enough. cool! and that curly tongue thingy is way cool! love it. nice job with the photography, seestor! :)
p.s. i was playing with your shark thing at the bottom of the blog--it's cool--now you can choose a fish to follow the cursor :) is that fun or what. the Nemo fish is cute.
I forget about the shark thingy at the bottom of my blog :) It is fun! Thanks for the compliments on my pictures!!
More beautiful pics! Love the colors! I see these little critters on our cone flowers. They do look like moths.
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