A yellow leaf on our Tulip Poplar signals the arrival of
Fall. The Tulip Poplar is the state tree of Tennessee.
"October's poplars are flaming torches lighting the
way to winter."
- Nova Bair
Tulip Poplar fruit.
Pears on our neighbor's tree. Yum!
Don't shake the tree when the pears fall off
- Slovakian Proverb
Beautiful photos! I'd love to have seen some of that blue sky at some point today. Do your neighbors share their pears with you? They look so good.
We have a tulip poplar tree that Sarah planted when she was in kindergarten. It's getting really tall now!
The Shaw's don't share their pears. They never even pick them. I don't think they even realize they have pears. I went over there the other day and picked one :) Pretty good eatin'!
I bet they'd let you harvest their pear trees if you asked. You could have baked pears with marshmellows melted on top! Yum!
Cool pix!
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