When me and my husband, Terry, were looking for a place
to build a house in 1996, land was pretty scarce in the small
town where we live. After weeks of searching we finally
found a nice lot close to town, but still in the country. The
only problem, for me at least, was that the lot had a cemetary
adjacent to it. I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to live next to
a cemetary. We continued to look for a place to build, but we
kept coming back to this particular lot. We finally decided to
buy it and build our house on it and I'm so glad we did!
The cemetary is so peaceful and is a great place
to take a walk, which we do on a daily basis. I took
these pictures of various angel and cherub figurines
and statues on one of my recent walks.
I enjoy collecting angel and cherub figurines!
A close friend of ours gave this to me after
my brother passed away. It's surrounded
by sunflowers which are my absolute favorite!
Merriam-Webster defines an angel as:
1 : A spiritual being superior to humans in power
and intelligence; especially : one in the lowest
rank in the celestial hierarchy b plural : an order
of angels — see celestial hierarchy
2 : an attendant spirit or guardian
3 : a usually white-robed winged figure of human
form in fine art
scary little cherubs! :-) i really like that last pic in particular!
Great pics! Cherubs are one of my fave things, too. I agree with Jane--the last pic is very good.
I like the first one... they're all good! :o)
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